There is more to Peru than just Machu Pichhu. The Amazon river, the world’s largest and the mightiest, originates in Peru and its namesake rainforest makes up much of the country. Another wonder of Peru is the Colca canyon, twice as deep as the Grand Canyon of the United States. And if this is not enough, Caral, located in the north of Lima, has the privilege of being the oldest city in the Western hemisphere. The Inca Lines are still a mystery and one may still be looking for the aliens who built them. Peru has many museums to visit, lakes to ogle at, and a labyrinthine of cities to explore. Machu Pichhu of course remains a journey of a lifetime, a dream travel destination and one of the top archaeological sites on the planet. Lima is a major city bustling with history and culture and an active nightlife.



Inca Lines

Large geoglyphs made in the soil of the Nazca Desert in southern Peru. They were created between 500 BC and 500 AD by making depressions or shallow incisions in the desert floor .



Situated at a height of approx 11000 feet with low Oxygen levels, Cuzco is a city that boasts of Inca history with steep and narrow cobblestoned streets that form the foundations of modern-day buildings.


Hiram Bingham Train, Cuzco

A super luxury train offering trips to Machu Picchu from Cuzco inclusive of drinks and dinner on board.


Machu Picchu, Cusco

Machu Picchu is an Incan citadel set high in the Andes Mountains in Peru, standing at 2,430 m above sea-level, in the middle of a tropical mountain forest.


Sacred Valley, Cusco

This was the heart of the Incan empire. Star attractions are the markets and the lofty Inca citadels of Pisac and Ollantaytambo.

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